Never Run Out Of Content Ideas Again

I'm building something for social, and this neat little trick saved me hours of time

I’m about to get myself back on social over the coming months, and like any self-respecting amateur creator, I start with the most fundamental question: What the f*ck do I even create?

Content is a really simple game, one that I didn’t understand when I started 5 years ago.

2019-me would have immediately pulled out a camera, taken a selfie, or recorded a badly scripted video announcing to the world that I’m back.

2024-me smiles at that guy.

Tired eyes, sweaty as fuck, 23rd try recording without a decent light source - character building arc :)

Here’s the thing - creating content, it’s become important. Truly, unmistakably, univocally important.

Here’s another thing: you need a game plan. An actionable, step-by-step, game plan.

Treat content like a proper distribution channel, and it will pay.

2019-me didn’t get this. He just went on creating without giving a decent thought to what he was doing.

2024-me? Way more focussed and action-oriented.

Here’s what I’m doing different from five years ago, now that I’m older, wiser, and much more Gandalf-y

Step 1: Pick Your Thought

Picking a niche is good, but what do you do if your niche is oversaturated?

Take Video Editing as an example. Just how many Trend breakdowns, Reel breakdowns, and editing tutorials are you really going to copy and recreate? And it’s going to be the same fucking process for all the editors out there, so there’s really no way for your content to appear “original” - although you might have been truly original.

Here’s my favourite way to stand out in this heard - Pick a thought (an opinion / a process / a hyper-niche if you will), then become a thought leader in that space.

Here’s how:

Video editing ❌ Video editing for outdoor weddings ✅

Lifestyle Vlogger ❌ Documenting My Life as a Single Indian in Australia ✅

You don’t have to necessarily stay in that domain, however. Once you’ve captured a considerable audience size, you can most definitely switch and become a leader in Video Editing for Weddings, or Video Editing using CapCut ONLY

Sky’s the limit. BUT, the dirt is where you start.

So Step 1:

  • Pick your thought

  • Become a thought leader

  • Gain the trust of your audience

  • Then Expand

Step 2: Finding Your Core Content Pillars

Once you have your Thought, you now need the pillars that hold that thought together. These are what we call content pillars.

And you don’t need to rack your brains too much on finding your content pillars. Here’s what you do instead.

Just copy paste this prompt into chatGPT:

I am going to be creating a Youtube channel around "__MY Thought__" What are the 3-5 content pillars I can use to create content for my channel around this topic?

Can’t believe it’s that easy? Here’s an example:

Now that I know that for my thought, these are my content pillars, I can pick a few of these, and further flush out my content plan.

2019-me stopped with this part, and it’s true, you could get a long way with just these two steps.

Here’s where I failed five years ago, though. While I knew what pillars supported the brand that I was trying to create, I hit a snag - I just could NOT get to do it consistently.

And success in social is all about volume + consistency. I did not do that in 2019, and that cost me a little.

You’ll do just fine with Steps 1 and 2, and not run out of content ideas ever again, but if you want to do it consistently, check out Step 3.

Wrapping up Step 2:

  • Ask chatGPT for content pillars that support my Thought

  • Pick 3-5 content pillars, and keep them as the foundational structure of my channel

  • Anything that doesn’t come under these Pillars, doesn’t make it onto the Channel.

Step 3: Printing Content

Now that we have a couple of content pillars around our Thought, we start preparing our content sheet.

This is how you will ensure that you never run out of things to say, content to create, and literally print value for your audience consistently.

Take one of your content pillars, now break it down into these six content categories

  • Common Mistakes

  • Myths

  • Quick Tips

  • Personal Story

  • Common Questions

  • Actionable Step

What you’re going to do is for each of your content pillars, you’re going to come up with topics that fall under any of these six content categories.

Once again, don’t spend too much brain juice on this. Simple go to chatGPT, and paste this prompt

Give me content topics around _Your Content Pillar_ , that fall under these categories: Common Mistakes Myths Quick Tip Personal Story Common Questions Actionable Step

Here’s how the result would look like:

Simple, enough? Pull out an Excel sheet and dump it all into one big Content Mastersheet

Modify the Hooks and the Titles to match your taste, and Voila! You have a whole repository of content topics that you can create and recreate and use endlessly. Enjoy responsibly.

I will be deploying this strategy when I launch my own stuff in the coming months, so stay tuned to see how that turns out :)

P.S: If you like reading this stuff, let me know. Helps keep this stupid head of mine motivated

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