What putting in the reps means

Notes from the life of a friend

This is Dhruthi.

She likes Porsches, Pilates, and Chandramukhi 

She’s also a Data Analyst in Arizona and makes close to $100k as a fresher. Cha-ching

When I told her I was having trouble finding a topic for today’s email, she asked me to write about her. She meant it as a joke.

I didn’t take it as one though.

I’ve followed Dhruthi’s journey for four years now.

She’s a simple girl.

  • Completed her engineering

  • joined corporate

  • left corporate because there were bigger fish to fry

  • moved out of the country

  • got her Higher-ed done

  • spent 10+ hours a day finding jobs in this economy

  • killed it in the company that took her

  • Still kills it every day

Here’s what she does better than everyone else in my circle though: she plants visions in her head, and puts in the effort to make them come true

Like, actual, real, honest-to-god effort.

We know the current employee market. With VCs cutting investments, and companies going into budget cuts, hiring is only slowly making a comeback.

Dhruthi applied to 550+ job posts, created a tracker to keep note of those jobs, detailed down exactly what she needs to do for every job, wrote to them, followed up, and literally CHASED DOWN her dream.

My god that’s inspiring as fuck!

Just goes to show how much the reps matter.

Quantity over Quality

People underestimate the amount of work it takes to be great at what you do.

Also Dhruthi has a very sharp knife and she’s not afraid to use it, so go put in the reps this weekend.


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