Low Footfall At Your Booth? Here's What To Do

A simple guide to event and network marketing that will turn amateurs into less awkward marketers

Here’s how to increase footfall at your booth:

  • Take over the stage, convince the organizers to give you atleast a 5-minute presentation

  • Absolutely kill the presentation

  • Do a CRAZY show (preferably before lunchtime)

  • Place your stall closer to the dining area

  • Take compliments and exchange business cards

  • Start a group chat and invite the “inner circle“ over to a post-day hang

  • Get them drunk, get ready for Day 2

  • Repeat

Now, story time!!

I installed Reddit on my mobile today. First time.

It is an amazing application. Much more immune to the brain rot that is Instagram. I use Instagram on the daily. I’m an addict.

Anyway, Reddit!!

Two minutes into the platform, and I saw a really interesting question

I’ve been fortunate to be around people who helped make this answer possible.

Here’s what I told u/ippo100


Not even kidding. That is exactly what we did at the two events we took part in.

A B2B crowd is generally very conservative and a little out-of-the-box moment has never ruined anyone's day.

I've been with a B2B startup for 3 years now, and every year we make sure to take part in atleast one industry specific event.

Given our limited budgets, and for reasons only God knows - decidedly insane costs to register a stall at B2B conferences - we do something quirky every year to capture attention, and bring in as many people as we can to our booth, while also keeping it light on our wallets.

2022, we asked the event coordinators if there were any changes in the agenda (hint: there always is).

Yes? Great, do you want us to help manage the abrupt change in schedule? Oh we can stall them for five minutes alright!

Boom! You have the crowd all to yourself for five minutes. What do you do with it?

You could steal our idea, and straight up have a whole presentation ready, the end CTA being "We have our booth outside right by the cafeteria if you guys want a lunch buddy" (Another pro tip: it always helps to place yourself closer to where the highest footfall is i.e the cafe)

2023, we didn't even have a stall!!

Would you believe the nerve!!!?

We copied the same script, stole the stage for five minutes, and got up on stage with a funky costume. Gave our pitch, pointed them towards the snack table, where we would be standing at tea break sessions, and straight up invited people to a secret getaway from the monotone meetings at day's end.

How did this work? We don't know. Why did we do this? Because we just decided to!!

Half of marketing is just experimenting with confidence :)

Marketing is beautiful,


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