Indie Developers And Their $250k One-Person Startups

Bhanu Teja sold his company for $250k last week, and here's how he made it all for himself.

Bhanu Teja is my age. 25 years old.

He is also Indian. Like me.

BUT he is 250 thousand US Dollars richer than me

So obviously, I had to learn and understand what we can model from Bhanu’s journey.

And boy is that a trip. Buckle up, this is one hell of a story

@pbteja1998 started his journey on Twitter in 2016. He’s been knee-deep in it ever since, and it shows

With over 28k dedicated fans on the platform, Bhanu has a niche audience, and they all LOVE him.

We could do a deep dive into how he’s built a brilliant following around him, but it’s really simple:

Bhanu has a very niche audience, even if it’s in the tech space. He dives into deep conversations reserved for the ultra nerds.

We’ve talked about this before, but even the smallest niches can generate big money, if you focus on the right ones.

I mean who talks like this?

I’ll tell you who - tech bros with HEAVY bank accounts.

So anyway, that’s one big life hack. You want an audience you can monetize? Build super-defined niches

And @pbteja1998 built his around coding complex tech problems into simple solutions for everyone. For eight years.

The work:

  • Two startups to date, one indie, one with a team

  • Sold one for $250k at $6k MRR - a 3.5x multiple

  • The other is doing ~$300k in revenue

And his audience loves it.

Bhanu’s GTM? His twitter audience.

Although he’s dabbling with SEO and other channel, the most considerable point of leverage for @pbteja1998 is his audience.

As long as he got his foot in the door, it was a win. Because his product took care of everything else.

Massive lesson here: Build a good product

Just as an overview:

  • Build an awesome audience around a niche you love

  • Become obsessed with creating value

  • Find a problem you can solve for that niche

  • Build an undeniably good product

  • Sell, sell, sell

There’s so many more lessons that you can uncover from @pbteja1998’s story and it is amazing.

Follow his Reddit thread here for a wealth of learning: Click here to read the thread

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