One Thing You Can Do This Weekend To Become A Better Marketer

Devil's in the details

Naval’s tweet changed my life in 2022:

I am a marketer. Not just because I can’t build a great product (I could build an okay product, but it wouldn’t make anyone any money), but also because I love stories.

And that’s all marketing really is, if you think about it. It’s telling a beautiful story about something you’ve worked on.

And if you were to do one thing to become a better marketer, it would be getting better at telling stories.

Now, how do you do that? Simple:

  • Listen to a lot of stories (AND people)

  • Know which audience will resonate with which story

  • Tell a lot of stories

Let’s break this down a bit more.

#1 Listen to a lot of stories

Take a list of all of your demos, start listening.

  • What is sales pitching

  • Why are they saying this to that prospect?

  • Oh, that’s nice, so what about this guy? Why did we tell him this story, and still get him to buy?

At marketing, you can (read: should) throw your prospects into different buckets.

@KRaajha has a really cool resource on this that you can download for free.

Keeping it really simple, your prospects can fall into the following “lifecycle stage”

  • Subscriber

  • Lead

  • Marketing Qualified Leads

  • Sales Qualified Leads

  • Opportunity

  • Customer

For each stage / prospect, you have a different “story“ ; and they may not resonate with all your stories all the time, so having buckets, and helping you move them between those buckets will give you a fair idea on what kind of conversations / stories to share with them.

Someone who’s an MQL might be into your product’s RoI stories, or Customer stories. They might not be as interested in your CEO’s weekly podcast that has 10 followers.

This brings us to our second point.

#2 Know your audience’s cravings

What does your prospect, at any given stage of the buying journey, want?

A lead simply wants to stay updated, so he can win without you (your content would eventually prove that you know your shit, THEN he would want to work with you), so if you try pushing them for a demo, they might just walk out altogether.

Observe what clicks for each of your audience, then start building content pieces specific to that bucket

#3 Start telling your stories

Now just rinse and repeat your stories across your buckets, and see what sticks.

Want a proven blueprint of what kind of content pieces actually stick? Check out Karthick’s site here for a free Google Sheet that helps: Free Content Funnel Template: Connect, Create and Convert! (

Now here’s your homework:

  • Segment your marketing buckets. Create them first if you haven’t yet.

  • Start building a plan for the content pieces around each of those buckets

  • Get to work. Tell more stories

P.S: If you liked this, do consider giving me a subscribe below. I’m writing something around businesses everyday :)


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