Notes From The Internet

It's not everyday that you learn something new. On those days, you curate :)

It's not every day that you learn something new. On such days, you curate :)

So here’s what I saw on the internet that definitely deserves a share

1) @ShaanVp’s take on ‘feeling fulfilled in life‘

An amazing take on how people who feel “lacking“ in life don’t really lack many things, just that they need a little help with optimizing what they do with their time.

Awesome thread that reads for less than 2-minutes, but changes your life forever.

2) @hey_madni’s curation on GPT-4o

LinkedIn is going Gaga over GPT-4o, and I have to agree, the latest iteration of openAI’s flagship project has made an astronomical level progress.

Madni has curated a really good thread of how we can make the most of this (it’s FREE btw) release, so go check out the thread here

3) @voronoiApp‘s study on AI on Earth

Do you think AI’s going to be the biggest creator or destroyer of jobs in 2024?

Honorable Mention: Me capturing the first rainbow I’ve seen in years :)

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