The Super Frustrating Trait of People That Achieve Their Dreams

They're built different? No bro, they're just sore losers

I faced a tense situation today. It was with someone close. And it led to a fight.

Or course my charming ass found a way to get us back into good terms, but here’s something you need to know about this person

  • Got into a sales job straight out of his engineering degree

  • Did ONE month there, realized there was market potential

  • Partnered up with his manager at the time to launch a rival product

  • Spent six months trying to sell a bad product. Remember: ZERO sales experience

  • Starts his own venture with his college mate. Two different skill sets, both executing 11/10 on a 10/10 opportunity

  • Company turns 5 this year, and he does more than a couple crores in revenue, 35% margins.

Here’s what’s really interesting - but also infuriating - about him.

He has the ability to not give a single flying f*ck about the obstacles between him and his goal.

This will lead to them going against the grain so many more times than one would want to imagine.

It will also lead to a lot of arguments, fights, even a few punches thrown around.

This frustrating quality of unwaveringnes is annoying. But it is what builds great products.

A stubborn attitude to not have anything less than what you think of the end outcome is one of the most dangerous traits of a successful builder

Why dangerous? Because not everyone gets your passion and understands your reasoning for why something needs to get done, regardless of which way the wind is blowing.

This might often result in the uninspired leaving, or the impatient getting into fights with them all the time.

But this will also mean the crazy ones will stick with you. The dreamers, the executioners, the sore losers.

This is what the Steve Jobs’ and the Ambanis of the world are made of.

Think my head is up my ass? Stick around with a sore loser (who’s a 10/10 executioner), and you’ll see.

That should do for a quick Sunday Sermon. Now go kill it this week :)

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