Wednesday Wisdom Ft. Gary Vee

Is there anyone better to make your midweek better?

Here’s Gary Vee’s Report Card from school:

He got a D in Speech class.

Yep. Gary Vaynerchuk. D. In Speech. The very thing that makes him millions of dollars a year, he got awarded a below-average score.

“School grades are not a tremendous indicator of what’s going to happen later on. Data is very dirty and wrong sometimes“

Schools and colleges place so much emphasis on grades, with fear being the main component towards a successful sale, you need to understand, not every data point is accurate, not everything you think is logical will apply years later.

Similar story - Another person failed his elective on Environmental education in college. He started making his first money online writing about plants. Went on to become a proper marketer, handling hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in Ad revenue, close to a million dollars in direct revenue pipeline, and still writes something or the other every single day - @shos_notes :)

Your grades and scores do not define you. They’re merely a data point across a MILLION other data points that make up the person that is you.

Kepp building new stuff, learn new things, fail tremendously, pick yourself up, and get going all over again.

That is the only secret recipe you will ever need in life.

A little Wednesday Wisdom featuring Gary Vee :)

If you’ve not caught the latest @thesamparr x @shaanVP x @garyvee show on @myfirstmilpod

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